Smarter Lip Sets
In collaboration with Blair Imani we’ve created matte dewy lip sets that’ll make you smarter in seconds, paying homage to Blair’s book ‘Read This to Get Smarter’
Smarter Lip Sets
This shade is about personal identity, (the way we understand ourselves), and social identity, (the way others understand us). You are authentically yourself regardless of whether you are understood by others.
Repeat after me
I am authentic
This shade is about Ubuntu, an ancient Bantu philosophy that requires us to acknowledge everyone's humanity through mutual respect. It focuses on our interconnectedness. It translates to: “I am because you are.”.
Repeat after me
I am loved
This shade is about Ujamaa – a Swahili word meaning “community” or “togetherness." In the context of Pan-Africanist Julius Nyerere's principles, it means “cooperative economics.” Ujamaa reminds us to honor humanity by being generous and sharing resources.
Repeat after me
I am abundant
This shade is about acess. There is no default way that humans live, move, communicate, process, or exist and all human beings must be fully accommodated and included. Access to care, rights, education, and opportunities must be guaranteed to all.
Repeat after me
I am whole
This shade is about race. “Race” was invented over the past 600 years as a way to create and rank human differences. Race is not a fact of biology or genetics but it is a big part of society in the form of racism.
Repeat after me
I am human
This shade is about gender. According to the McLean-Imani definition, gender is an array of mental and behavioral traits that relate to, differentiate from, and go beyond understandings of femininity, masculinity, and neutrality.
Repeat after me
I am valid
The collaborator
Blair Imani is an award winning educator, best selling author, and influencer. This collaboration brings her narrative to life in vivid color.
What is Smarter
in Seconds?
Smarter in Seconds is a series of bite-size videos that nimbly address a variety of subjects including consent, cultural appropriation, and gender. Blair and Fempower are elevating beauty by making smarter formulas and smarter opportunities to learn through Smarter Lip Sets.